As an hobby, writing & making publications about architecture.
Here you may find publications were I have been involved. On some with other people and few all by my self. Majority of the books lay outs and photographs are made by me.

Funkis Karjalassa. 2016.
Book has over 100 modernistic buildings which were builded in North-Karelia and Russian Karelia in 1928–1945. Several exhibitions were made based on the book. Writer: Samu Aarnio.
For the exhibitions were made lots of extra material

3D-models were used. Several old buildings were modelled based on original drawings. All the buildings which were modelled can be found from here

Joensuun kaupungintalo. 2016.
Book presents Town Hall of city of Joensuu. Town Hall was designed by famous Finnish architect Eliel Saarinen. Town hall was done in 1914. At that time Joensuu had only 5000 inhabitants. Remarkable. Book has 14 different writers.

Pohjois-Karjalan arkkitehtuuriopas. 2018.
Book presents numerous important architectural sights in North-Karelia region. Book has three writers. Exhibitions and extra material was made. Writers: Samu Aarnio, Suonna Kononen & Pekka Piiparinen.

Mean while one made a pop up window exhibition about architecture of mr & mrs Ypyä.

Arkkitehtuurin moderneja piirteitä Pohjois-Karjalassa. 2021.
Book presents how modernistic movement took place in North-Karelia region. Book was ordered by Regional Council of North Karelia. Writer: Samu Aarnio.